Doctors should prescribe playtime for young children, the American Academy of Pediatrics says.
Year: 2018
How to Help a Child With an Anxiety Disorder
When worrying gets in the way of a child’s functioning, parents need to get help rather than arranging the child’s life to avoid the occasions of anxiety.
Taking Playtime Seriously
Play is a universal, cross-cultural and necessary attribute of childhood, essential for development and essential for learning. Experts who study it say that play is intrinsic to children’s natures, but still needs support and attention …
Reading Aloud to Young Children Has Benefits for Behavior and Attention
It’s a truism in child development that the very young learn through relationships and back-and-forth interactions, including the interactions that occur when parents read to their children. A new study provides evidence of just how …
Kindness Curriculum Released for Greater Well-Being in the Classroom
What if kindness, attention and gratitude were taught in schools just like math, history and reading? That’s a question posed by UW–Madison’s Center for Healthy Minds, a research organization that studies the science of well-being …